“Fifty nine years ago this month was the beginning of what is now Bochsler Photo Imaging.
In 1956, with the basics of photography, a press camera, flash bulbs, sheet film and many friends & encouragement, our photographic venture began.
I was fortunate in many ways, starting a business in robust times and with an unlimited variety of opportunities. In an era when personal contact was the main form of interaction and possible expansion.
Many years later Bochsler Photo Imaging is a leader in commercial photography and advanced digital imaging with a very skilled and talented team.
It is worth a few minutes of your time to explore some of the most advanced photographic and graphic images that we have created on www.bpimaging.com.
There are still a few clients that date back to those early years and we are proud to be able to provide some of the most satisfying results for our ongoing list of clients and say thank you.”
by Tom Bochsler

August 26, 1957 – Brantford, Ontario
Early in Tom’s career, he spent his days shooting and developed/printed his photography at night.
Visit The Art of Industry for more of Tom’s photography.